Does the elected government of Willoughby Hills know what rock salt is?
Opinion by Tim Shirer
I have held off writing this commentary for two year. I guess I want to give people and governments a chance to change. Well two years is enough and now I have had enough. No, I do not live in Willoughby Hills, but I often drive through the city while I am doing my job or to do other things. The problem with having to drive through Willoughby Hills comes during the winter months. Heads up for the city of Willoughby Hills and those of you who are in charge of services in Willoughby Hills winter is a season where it snows. Snow can be slippery; snow can turn to slush which can be slippery. In the winter there is also this thing called ice. Ice forms when the temperature is under 32 degrees, ice is also slippery it can cause a person to slip and fall. Ice can also cause vehicle to slide which could lead to that vehicle hitting another vehicle or person which could cause DEATH.
Now that I have explained what the season of winter is and what happens during the season and the bad things that can happen I will now ask several questions.
City of Willoughby Hills (City Council, Mayor, Service Director) do you know what rock salt is and the positive things it can achieve?
If you do know what rock salt is, have you invested in any? What is your budget for rock salt?
Do you even have a budget for services to clean the streets when it snows in the season of winter?
If you do have a budget and you do know what rock salt is, why don’t you use it to make your roads safe during the winter?
Is it that you are trying to save money on labor and salt? Is that the reason you very rarely if ever clean your streets?
I recently drove through your city on Route 91 and the road was clear in both cities on either side of Willoughby Hills, but it was completely snow covered in Willoughby Hills, why is that?
Why is it that I drove on Rockefeller Rd, White Road, Bishop Rd, Chardon Rd. and Eddy Rd during this same period and they were all snow covered?
When snow is predicted, and you do nothing to your streets what is the reason for this?
Do you care about your citizens or the people who pass through your city?
What do you (City Council members, Mayor, Service Director) what do you do when the weather is bad?
Do you go outside when the weather is bad?
Do you have family members, do you not care if they drive on dangerous streets in your city?
Do you not care about your safety forces who have to travel the road in these unacceptable conditions sometimes at high speeds? Does their health not matter to you?
I’m sure you will have excuses for all of my questions to justify your terrible street conditions during the winter when there is a weather event. BUT NO EXCUSES ARE ACCEPTABLE!!!!
No, I do not live in your city, THANK GOD. I live in Wickliffe where the standard was set decades ago for snow removal in Lake County everyone knows this. I can safely travel the streets of Wickliffe when it snows because they are always on top of it, your city very rarely if ever does the job or is on top of the bad weather situation.
While driving through your city recently (March 13, 2023) in the evening hours I was honestly frightened and feared I would not get home safely because of your disgustingly unsafe roads. Hills that were snow covered on Route 6 and River Road. What is your excuse for this negligence? Nothing you can say is an answer that is good enough.
I’m sure you will attempt to use “staffing shortage” as an issue. If that is an issue than offer higher wages like other cities must because they have safe streets.
If I was a resident of your city I would be at every council meeting complaining about this. I would have to think your residents who elected you are not happy with this terrible job done with snow removal. If they are fine with it than that seems kind of odd.
I hope you do know that if you do not clean your streets, your city is liable if there is a car accident the city can be sued for negligence. The precedent was set years ago when a resident sued the city of South Euclid after an accident on snow filled roads.
IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO PASS THROUGH YOUR CITY AND YOUR RESIDENTS AND KEEP THE ROADS SAFE DURING WINTER WEATHER EVENTS. The only reason that this will continue to be an issue in Willoughby Hills is if you put money ahead of human lives and the public safety.
POSTED 03/14/2023 16:51